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The Faceoff Circles: Areas for Concern?

Questions abound for the Caps in the dot

Troy Brouwer, Joel Ward, and Eric Fehr took 1,431 faceoffs for the Capitals last season, roughly 29% of the team's total draws... and now all three have departed, by choice or by trade, for other teams.

So how much will their departures hurt the team's ability to win the battle within the circles? Let's first look at how the Capitals utilized their centermen during five-on-five play last season (courtesy of Muneeb).

14-15 Faceoff Burden 5v5
14-15 Faceoff Burden 5v5

Note: This graph shows the number of draws taken by a player in a given zone divided by the number of faceoffs taken by all of the players listed in that same zone (so it reflects the players' percentage of total draws, not percentage of draws when they were in the lineup).