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Dhamir Cosby-Roundtree’s mother is SuperMom

Related Topics: Dhamir

Huuuuuuuump Daaaaaay! And Game Day too! Villanova gets the early tip-off today in Atlantis so I hope you have a game-friendly environment at work or can get out early.

In related news, this feature on Dhamir Cosby-Roundtree, his mother Ayesha, and his family is must-read stuff from Mike Jensen. I love learning the backstory of our players. DaDa is going to be a fan-favorite, and it sounds like his Mom will be too.

And now, the “news.”

Dhamir Cosby-Roundtree's journey to Villanova had twists and turns |
Ayesha Cosby-Roundtree has always been a driving force in her son's basketball life.