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Lenarduzzi shares family experience ahead of Walk for Alzheimer’s this Sunday

The Alzheimer Society has partnered up with IG Wealth Management once again for the annual Walk for Alzheimer's on Sunday, May 31, helping raise awareness and funds towards the aid for people living with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a twist to this year’s walk. With the need for social distancing, the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's has moved online where everyone is called upon to take part by watching, walking, and raising funds from their own homes.

Speaking on this year’s initiative in raising funds to help cover needed research and programs that help people with dementia, ‘Caps club liaison Bob Lenarduzzi touched on the strides the Alzhemer Society of BC has made over the years to raise awareness whilst tackling the stigma attached to the disease.