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Behind the Headlines: Drug court opens for Operation Rio Grande arrestees, LDS Church supports baker who refused to serve same-sex couple, and the gap widens between 3rd District candidates

The kickoff of a new drug court program adds to the treatment efforts of Operation Rio Grande. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throws its support behind a Colorado bakery shop owner who refused on religious grounds to make a cake for a same-sex wedding. And as the November general election nears, polling shows a wide gap between Utah’s 3rd Congressional District Republican candidate Provo Mayor John Curtis and Democratic candidate Dr. Kathie Allen.

At 9 a.m. Friday, Salt Lake Tribune reporters Jennifer Dobner and Jessica Miller, Washington bureau chief Thomas Burr, senior managing editor Matt Canham and editorial page editor George Pyle join KCPW’s Roger McDonough to talk about the week’s top stories.