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84 Podcasts Guests in 2017

Related Topics: Podcast, Jesse and Gene, Skydiggers

Speaking of passionate hobbies I've had for over five years, Toronto Mike'd turned five years old in August. More episodes were recorded in 2017 than any calendar year previous. 86 episodes of Toronto Mike'd were recorded in 2017 (plus two bonus shorts for subscribers), comprising of 84 different guests.

So much for a weekly podcast, eh? Here are the 84 people who were kind enough to visit my basement in 2017. Actually, only 82 visited... Jesse and Gene were Skyped in from the left coast.

  1. James Mirtle
  2. Sean Fitz-Gerald
  3. Jesse Dylan
  4. Gene Valaitis
  5. Rod Smith
  6. Josh Holliday
  7. Bob Callahan
  8. Kevin Shea
  9. Maureen Holloway
  10. Craig Venn
  11. Mike Richards
  12. Greg Brady
  13. Kevin Frankish
  14. Clint "Bubba" O'Neil
  15. Barry Davis
  16. Marc Weisblott
  17. Carly Agro
  18. Faizal Khamisa
  19. Bob McKenzie
  20. Brian Williams
  21. Chris Murphy
  22. Bill Hayes
  23. elvis
  24. Howard Berger
  25. Elliott Cowan
  26. Lou Schizas
  27. Stormin' Norman Rumack
  28. Ed "Retrontario" Conroy
  29. Liana K
  30. Ed the Sock
  31. Richard Syrett
  32. Joel Goldberg
  33. Hugh Burrill
  34. Mark Hebscher
  35. Mike Wilner
  36. Fred Penner
  37. Bob Mackowycz
  38. Siobhan Morris
  39. Ziggy Lorenc
  40. Michael Hainsworth
  41. Alan Cross
  42. Andrew Stoakley
  43. Jim Van Horne
  44. Alex Pierson
  45. Larry Fedoruk
  46. Norm Wilner
  47. Fred Patterson
  48. Ivar Hamilton
  49. Colin D'Mello
  50. Jay Onrait
  51. Sophia Jurksztowicz
  52. Laura Diakun
  53. Nick "Splash" Adams
  54. Taes "Boots" Leavitt
  55. Ron Hawkins from Lowest of the Low
  56. Lawrence Nichols from Lowest of the Low
  57. Mike Stafford
  58. Tim Thompson
  59. Jackie Perez
  60. Stephen Brunt
  61. Damien Cox
  62. DJ Ron Nelson
  63. Peter Bulut
  64. Kayla Grey
  65. Mike Hogan
  66. Jarvis
  67. Bob Willette
  68. Sarah Boesveld
  69. Brad Fay
  70. Blake Carter
  71. Paul Romanuk
  72. Stephen Stanley
  73. John Gallagher
  74. David Shoalts
  75. Alexandra Beaton
  76. Aaron Bronsteter
  77. Ed Keenan
  78. Steve Simmons
  79. Andy Maize from Skydiggers
  80. Gill Deacon
  81. Andy Frost
  82. Meredith Shaw
  83. Ron James
  84. iLLvibe

Thanks again to everyone who dropped by for a healthy dose of #realtalk.