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CD Pelham and Edgar Arredondo to AA

Texas Rangers pitching prospects CD Pelham and Edgar Arredondo have been promoted to the AA Frisco Roughriders from the high-A Down East Wood Ducks, per reports on Twitter from Jamey Newberg and Levi Weaver. (UPDATE — The promotions are apparently official now, and Arredondo starts for Frisco tonight.) Arms, arms, and more arms. Both are dudes, but they are dudes of very different mojo.

CD is a colossus of a man. Listed at 6’6” and 235 lbs, he’s every bit of both of those marks. Originally drafted by the Brewers in the 25th round in 2014, he returned to Spartanburg Methodist College and was popped by the Rangers in the 33rd round in 2015, because raw as he was, there was a lot to dream on.