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New movie 'Concussion' delivers hard hit to the NFL

TAMPA — Sony Pictures Entertainment has a heck of a Christmas present planned for the National Football League.

On Dec. 25, the film “Concussion,” starring Will Smith, hits theaters in a widespread release that will hardly be welcomed by a $10 billion industry. Directed by former investigative journalist Peter Landesman, the movie focuses on the efforts of Pittsburgh-based forensic pathologist Bennet Omalu to investigate the links between NFL collisions and brain traumas over time.

The movie is based on a 2009 article in “GQ” magazine entitled “Game Brain.”

The film was screened in Los Angeles last week and according to critics, depicts a league of mercenaries more interested in protecting the NFL brand than encouraging further research into CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy), a degenerative brain disease that has been found to be prevalent in some deceased NFL players.