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Douche ex machina: “Silicon Valley” –and Pied Piper — find their savior in the show’s very own Sean Parker

Both Silicon Valley and its protagonists’ startup Pied Piper may have found their savior — and it arrived in a McLaren the color of a Flintstone Push-Up Pop, blaring Limp Bizkit’s “Nookie.”

At the end of last week’s episode, Richard and the rest of the Pied Piper team faced one of two seemingly inevitable fates: Either the company could fight the baseless lawsuit brought against it by the Google-esque company Hooli and likely go bankrupt in the process, or sell the technology to the tech giant and receive hefty buyout checks, stock options, and cushy jobs.

But while I’m sure showrunner Mike Judge — who also made Office Space — would have little trouble spinning a hilarious show out of the day-to-day drudgeries of working for a massive conglomerate, killing off Pied Piper so early would be akin to Breaking Bad obliterating Walt in a meth lab explosion in the first season.