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A’s Chapman, Olson win Gold Gloves; Giants’ Crawford loses crown

Matt Chapman of the A’s was the best defensive player in the majors, according to the SABR index that counts for 25 percent of the Gold Glove vote.

Matt Chapman of the A’s was the best defensive player in the majors, according to the SABR index that counts for 25 percent of the Gold Glove vote.

Photo: Brace Hemmelgarn / Getty Images

Like everything else about the 2018 baseball season, Sunday's Gold Glove announcements brought cheer to the east side of the bay and disappointment on the west.

The A's, whose surprising run toward an American League wild card was fueled in part by a great defensive improvement, broke a 12-year drought for Oakland infielders and took two Gold Gloves: first baseman Matt Olson and third baseman Matt Chapman.