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Kawakami: Dwight Clark’s ALS diagnosis summons the 49ers Dynasty together one more time

They have had more and bigger and grander celebrations than anybody would hope to ever count, more reason for them, and they have had all too many sad and struggling moments, also.

They are together, though, still and always–the members of the 49ers Dynasty, bonded decades ago by nearly perfect football, by death through the years, and by ever-lasting solidarity.

Which brought them and us all to Sunday night’s startling announcement that Dwight Clark–the light-hearted wide receiver who started it all with “The Catch”–had been diagnosed with ALS.

At around 6 p.m., Clark broke the news himself with a thoughtful public letter, and that was followed by the release emotional statements of support and hope from all of the Dynasty Stalwarts via the DeBartolo Family Foundation website.