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Sacramento Kings, SacHacks And Major League Hacking Host Sacramento’s First Extensive Intercollegiate Event For Students to Problem-Solve Through Code

Sacramento Kings Will Join Local Businesses at “Hackathon” To Give Students Access to Data, Tools and Professionals to Solve Industry-Specific Challenges

Sponsors Include Bloomberg, VMWare, EA Capital Games, GitHub, Smartcar, XYO Network and Google Cloud Platform With Additional Partners Announced in Coming Days

On November 17-18, undergraduate, graduate and industry professionals will gather at McClellan Conference Center for a 24-hour coding competition, entitled SacHacks – Sacramento’s first major intercollegiate hackathon.

Participants will assemble into teams and use data from different aspects of local businesses to develop solutions and ideas and will hear from industry professionals – including a keynote address from Sacramento Kings Chief Technology Officer Ryan Montoya.