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10 Things To Watch If You Don’t Give A Shit About The Super Bowl

Related Topics: Super Bowl, New Girl

Dear Super Bowl haters,

There aren’t many of you out there, which is why you get lost in the madness that it Super Bowl Sunday; forgotten amidst the chaotic mess of pizza, buffalo wings, day-drinking and prop bets on million-dollar commercials. For many of you, this one Sunday a year is a day you dread. It is a day you stay off of Facebook, pretend you haven’t seen invitations to house parties and hope that no one asks you “where are you watching the game!”

It’s an under-appreciated struggle that you endure. On a day that brings almost the entire country great joy – a day so important that it has brought with it the built in expectation of Monday hangovers – you are left feeling conflicted as to why you’d prefer to watch Friends re-runs by yourself than join the National American Party.