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Heyward Impressed With Montravius Adams ‘Coming Off The Street And Playing Some Really Good Football’

Turns out all the Pittsburgh Steelers’ run defense needed was a guy from somebody else’s practice squad.

That is the most naively simplistic way of saying it, but the play of Montravius Adams in Sunday’s win over the Baltimore Ravens was significant, and he helped control the run game, which was an immense problem for the past month in Pittsburgh. He didn’t do it single-handedly, by any means, but he made a difference.

Mon Adams coming off the street and playing some really good football, man. He made some really impactful plays that might not always be kept in the stat sheet, but we felt his energy”, defensive captain Cameron Heyward said yesterday on the DVE Morning Show, crediting the play of guys like him for opening up things for others—though not so much himself, he joked, when asked if he said fewer double teams.