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Did the Raiders do the Steelers a favor by not giving us a first-round pick for Antonio Brown?

While the saga of the Antonio Brown trade has finally and mercifully come to end, the debate as to whether or not the compensation the Steelers (we) received in said trade was “fair” will, perhaps, linger on in perpetuity. Once Antonio announced his desire to continue his career with a team other than the team that drafted him, paid him handsomely and tolerated his seemingly “me” first attitude, the debate instantaneously commenced as to what type of compensation would be “fair” for arguably the best receiver currently employed in the NFL.

For example, my soon-to-be 21-year-old son and proud Steelers fan, like his father, stated, in no uncertain terms, that to receive anything less than a first-round pick for Antonio Brown would be tantamount to corporate malfeasance.