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Five Reasons Why The 16/17 Senators Season Could Go Well

Looking for optimism going into the season, here are five reasons why the 16/17 Senators could be successful

There’s nothing better than some pre-season optimism. Virtually every team in the league thinks they have a better shot at it this year than they did last year, and it’s hard not to think “what if?”

Senators fans surely want to forget what was a frustrating 2015-16 season, but 2016-17 may be different. If you want to be convinced that this version of the Ottawa Senators can be much better, then here are five reasons why:

MacArthur was a huge part of the team in 2013-14 and 2014-15, but last year he played only four games due to a brutal concussion he suffered in the pre-season (making Mark Fraser one of the worst signings in recent memory).