5 Reasons You Know You Are An Oregon Ducks Football Fan

Some people enjoy rooting for the Oregon Ducks and some people are great about sporting the trademark green and yellow around town, but there's a specific breed of Oregon football fanatic who is essential to making the Autzen experience as INSANELY awesome as it is.

How do you know if you're part of the latter group? Here's 5 Reasons You Know You Are An Oregon Ducks Football Fan.

1) Your kids could not care less about Mickey Mouse...

...and have no earthly clue what a Pokemon is...

...but this guy (or more accurately, duck)?? FORGET ABOUT IT.

2) You wish you were in an Otis Day & The Knights cover band.


3) You own a dartboard with this guy's face on it...

4) You are now contractually obligated to root for the Tennessee Titans.


5) The only time you do push-ups is if you're wearing a duck costume.


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