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Jessie Diggins fourth at world champs; Therese Johaug wins by historic margin

American cross-country skier Jessie Diggins took fourth in the world championships 10km freestyle, her best individual event, behind historically dominant Norwegian Therese Johaug on Tuesday in Oberstdorf, Germany.

Johaug, now a 12-time world champion, prevailed by 54.2 seconds over Swede Frida Karlsson in balmy conditions.

“I think I had the day of my season this year,” Johaug said, according to the International Ski Federation.

Another Swede, Ebba Andersson, took bronze, 5.1 seconds faster than Diggins in the interval-start race.

Johaug, a 32-year-old who missed the 2018 Olympics due to a ban over lip cream, won seven golds in her last eight world championships races (with a silver in the other) dating to 2015.