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Stillwater Proves Once Again It Is the Greatest Thing a Town Can Possibly Be

How much can one community’s collective heart break?

From 2001 to 2011 to the Saturday morning in 2015 that will be memorialized for decades. The number of lives lost doesn’t matter. It’s all the same. People living normal lives woke up, went out into the world and breathed oxygen on earth for the last time. Nobody has any real answers that satisfy. Nobody ever will.

“You can’t grieve enough,” said OSU broadcaster Tom Dirato about the 2001 plane crash. The same applies to Homecoming 2015. “You can’t ache enough. Because you know the hundreds of people who are affected, the brothers, the sisters, the parents, the grandparents, the wives, the kids who were connected to the great 10 people who lost their lives in that plane crash.