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OSU Wrestling: Daniel Kerkvliet Jr. Talks US Open, His Match with Gable Steveson, and Future at OSU

Last November OSU landed a BIG commitment in future Cowboy heavyweight and Cadet World Champion Daniel “Greg” Kerkvliet Jr. Kerkvliet is a high school junior currently and one of the top recruits in next year’s class. We reached out to him and talked a little about his upcoming US Open, his match with World Champ Gable Steveson and his thoughts on OSU.

Seth Duckworth: So you’re jumping up to Juniors for the US Open, but are still eligible for Cadets. Are you trying to make both the Cadet and Junior World Teams?

Daniel Kerkvliet: Yeah, if I make the Junior team the plan is to do both Juniors and Cadets probably.