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Two of three claims dismissed in civil suit against Oklahoma RB Joe Mixon

Two of three claims made against Oklahoma RB Joe Mixon in a civil suit stemming from the 2014 assault of a fellow OU student were dismissed in federal court Monday.

U.S. District Judge Joe Heston dismissed Amerilia Molitor's claims of negligence and willful/wanton conduct, according to NewsOK.

Mixon punched Molitor in the face on July 21. 2014, in Pickleman's Cafe on Campus Corner in Norman after an argument. Molitor suffered multiple facial fractures and, according to the civil suit she filed against Mixon in July of this year, intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Molitor has 14 days to file an amended lawsuit for the judge to reconsider the two dismissed claims, but the judge wrote he Has doubt the deficiencies found in those claims "can be cured by amendment," according to NewsOK.