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To Get Through the Pearly Gates of March, Ohio State Must Pass the Judgement of Saint Purdue Pete

Lately, I've been doing some reading.

One of the books that I've picked up recently (in a vain effort to convince myself that I can still read at an 8th grade level) is a novel by George Saunders called Lincoln in the Bardo. It is a deeply weird meditation on grief and longing involving ghosts, fake historical citations, and a poorly-tended cemetery. I liked it a lot, but my favorite bit is as you follow a priest through the judgement of heaven.

Instead of a "way to go, champ!" and a high-five from a dude with a harp and a halo, the priest finds his heart literally being torn out of his chest, Mola Ram style, weighed on a scale, and then some strange light beings bonk heads with him and vomit into a bowl and yell.