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Ohio Stadium's Social-Distanced Crowds During the 1918 Pandemic, Jim Harbaugh Thinks Michigan is "As Close As You Can Possibly Be" to Beating Ohio State, and Mike Doss Owns Jonathan Vilma

Illinois football has just suffered its most crushing loss in years: Lovie Smith's beard.

Song of the Day: "One Step Closer" by Linkin Park.

Word of the Day: Envisage.

LAST PANDEMIC. Despite how often you've heard the phrase "unprecedented times" these days (there's a drinking game in there somewhere), this ain't the first time modern(ish) America has dealt with a global pandemic

Jack Long of The Lantern did a fantastic deep-dive through The Lantern archives from the time of the 1918 Spanish flu outbreak to paint an eerily similar picture to the one we're currently facing – even down to the social-distanced football crowd before the 'Shoe was even built.