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6 surprising facts about Hawaii football

Don't know much about Ohio State's first-time adversary Hawai'i? You're not alone. Here's some talking points about the Hawai'i Rainbow Warriors

I'll admit it, I didn't know much about Hawai'i football before looking into them more closely. I've been to Hawai'i, and there are some big Hawaiian dudes that play pro football, but that's about all I've got. With Hawai'i as one of the team's in Ohio State's out-of-conference football schedule this year, the program is going to come up around your water cooler. Here's what to say:

1. Rainbow Warriors?

The Hawai'i football team is the "Rainbow Warriors" because, in 1923, a rainbow appeared over Moiliili Field after a Hawai'i upset Oregon State, 7-0 (Side note: the spelling of Moiliili Field is impossible to figure out without getting your nose two inches from the computer screen.