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'Funnest guy in sports' Rob Gronkowski lands another magazine cover (Shutdown Corner)

Behold, a sentence we never thought we'd type: Gronk is on the cover of GQ magazine.

GQ's cover is generally the bastion of Hollywood's leading men, guys like Channing Tatum and Ryan Reynolds and Leonardo DiCaprio.

But the June cover features Rob Gronkowski (shirtless, of course) on a beach with bikini-clad model Hailey Clauson on his shoulders. The cutline declares the New England Patriots tight end "the funnest guy in sports."

That's quite a title to get, and one he likely wears proudly. Party on, Gronk.

(GQ magazine)
(GQ magazine)
  • Arts & Entertainment
  • Rob Gronkowski
  • GQ magazine
  • Channing Tatum
  • Ryan Reynolds

Sam Bradford’s trade demands come full circle

Yes, the Sam Bradford drama continues.