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Bill Belichick Holds 30 Minute Press Conference, References Numerous Icons

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The first thoughts that pop into most fan’s minds when New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick speaks is more often than not his typical grumpy, monotone, deep voice, and generally a lot of “umm’s” and “uhh’s” coming out of his mouth with very little details.

On Friday, Belichick was in rare form after he flipped the script and stunned nearly every media member in attendance after he spoke double his usual 15 minutes and stood at the Gillette Stadium podium for nearly a half hour.

In a final transcript that wound up to be 4,272 words, Belichick gave lengthy, descriptive answers when it came to the history of the Pittsburgh Steelers (nearly 10 minutes) while also providing a rare, in depth look into his football mind and memory bank.