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The 24 HOUR RULE: BOHICA or Mt St Helens? No Middle Ground

Any Husker fan unfamiliar with the actual term “BOHICA” is more than extremely familiar with the concept.

As Jayden Reed of the Michigan State Spartans settled under the Christmas gift so beautifully kicked to him on the side of the field devoid of any players in white jerseys and red pants, as Husker fans tried to figure out where the ball was, as the cameraman made the mistake of tracking the Husker punt coverage instead of the ball itself, as the horror of what was about to transpire settled into Husker guts like a Taco Bell burrito half-eaten, left out the night before and then devoured without a second thought for breakfast - the very familiar concept popped in everyone’s heads with the force of a Smokin’ Joe Frazier left hook.