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Video: Oops. Rory MacDonald says when GSP comes back then laughs and says if GSP comes back

Oh Rory MacDonald you will always be MMA’s silly version of Dexter. When not practicing Taxidermy alone in his basement, MacDonald is training with the likes of Georges St. Pierre at Tristar in Canada. MacDonald talks to GSP almost on a daily basis and sometimes he even blinks on occasion.

MacDonald has the inside scoop on all the GSP rumors. So when a fan asked MacDonald about him and GSP talking about ending his retirement, “The Red King” may have slipped up with some breaking news. MacDonald laughs off possibly letting the cat out the bag and then smoothly puts the cat back into the bag, throws into the trunk of his car, and then drives off to some deserted Canadian farm land where no one would ever think to look for any GSP news.