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Tarverdyan Bankruptcy: Edmond claims statute of limitations expired on $178K of debt

Edmond Tarverdyan thinks $178K of his debts shouldn’t be allowed since the statute of limitations has expired. And the value of his assets might have increased a lot from $3,300.

When last we left the bankruptcy story of Ronda Rousey's coach, Edmond Tarverdyan, Bloody Elbow had obtained audio tapes from two 341 hearings which seemed to contain a number of inconsistencies in his testimony under oath.

In Tarverdyan's original bankruptcy filing, he claimed to have over $700,000 in debts with only $3,300 in assets while earning "$0.00" in average monthly income. When asked how training "a very high-profile fighter" hasn't resulted in any income, Tarverdyan responded, "And that's what I'm saying.