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Josh Reddick Had a Spider-Man and Wrestling-Themed Wedding

Related Topics: Wedding, Josh Reddick, Spider-Man

Astros outfielder Josh Reddick’s wedding this weekend combined his two biggest passions: pro wrestling and Spider-Man.

Reddick and his wife Jett were married on Saturday in Georgia and there’s no denying the ceremony was tailored to his tastes. Reddick, a self-described “WWE fanatic” who always wears a Spider-Man shirt under his jersey, had custom-made title belts for he and his wife that also incorporated Spider-Man elements.

Josh and Jett also entered the reception to WWE wrestler Bobby Roode’s theme music, though the robes they wore more resembled one of Ric Flair’s than Roode’s.

For the actual ceremony, Reddick wore a fairly traditional suit but with the added flair of a Spider-Man vest.