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Ortiz: Rhoades' patience with Mizzou runs out

In retrospect, Mizzou sports fans were warned right from the start that athletics director Mack Rhoades didn’t have much patience.

Rhoades surely didn’t mean it as a threat at the time, but it’s quite telling to look back at the comments he made at his introductory news conference at the University of Missouri.

“I’m not a real patient person,” Rhoades said on March 10, 2015. “I want to get moving. For me to sit here and say, ‘Jeez, there’s a glaring weakness here or a hole there,’ I don’t see it right now.”

Rhoades made those comments to a standing-room-only crowd at Mizzou’s Student Center, according to the story Post-Dispatch Mizzou beat writer Dave Matter wrote that day.