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Seidel: Jim Harbaugh sings opera, preps for gladiator training in Rome

ROME – Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh stood on the field, after his team’s second practice in Italy, and broke into song, in full operatic gusto: “Figaro! Figaro! Figaro!”

He stopped.

“Every day,” Harbaugh said. “I am starting my mornings off that way.”

Then, he started it again, singing loudly, full of passion: “Figaro! Figaro! Figaro!”

“I am now starting my mornings that way,” Harbaugh said. “I started my morning off, this morning. I’m going to start my mornings that way.”

More from Michigan's Italy trip:

The Wolverines attended an unbelievably cool opera performance Thursday night at a church in Rome, which Harbaugh recorded on his cell phone.