Zack Novak Attempts to Make Brendan Gibbons Cry

Not only does Zack Novak have the highest BAG (Blood to Grittiness Level) in recorded human history, he also has one hell of a left leg.

I don't know about you, but I'd much rather see the above than this:

or this:

and most certainly this:

...hell, I would rather see this:

and FYI he's did this for a time:

Has there ever been a basketball player / kicker? I think Rasheed Wallace might have kicked anything under 40 yards for the Tarheels in the mid-90s.  Oh, he just got really high in his dorm room instead? Yeah, that's right.

(Full disclosure, I'm not too angry with Gibbons kicking so far this year.  Full full disclosure, I start urinating, out of every single one of my body's orifices, every time Gibbons lines up a kick.  Try to explain to a table of friends at the bar why you're peeing out of your ears some time.  Not pleasant.)





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