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Flashback Friday: Games We Love - Miami 42, Georgia Tech 36 (OT); 9/22/12

As we endure the long summer while waiting for the start of football season, State of the U will look back each Friday on a great game in Hurricane football history to get us pumped for the season. This week, we re-visit Miami's thrilling comeback against Georgia Tech in 2012. If there's a game you want us to re-visit, please feel free to include your request in the comments below.

Ok, got it.Yep.Message received loud and clear.

A healthy number of you don’t seem to appreciate re-living Miami’s overwhelming success from 1983-2001 (and other great games out of those eras) and would rather have State of the U focus on the present full time, while banging the drum for Al Golden to be run out of town on a rail.