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Miami Heat: Is 2018-19 the team’s make-or-break year?

After a quick, 4-1 defeat in the first round of the 2018 NBA Playoffs, something needed to change with the Miami Heat.

Missed free-throws, questionable rotations and over reliance on franchise cornerstone Dwyane Wade, left the Heat firmly planted in the Philadelphia 76ers’ rear view mirror.

Throughout the regular season, the Heat played toe-to-toe with the Sixers, splitting the season series 2-2. Even with Hassan Whiteside playing at half-power and a fluctuating injury-reserve list, the Heat’s defensive prowess and crafty contributions kept the team competitive.

Come playoff time however, the Sixers became the well-oiled machine that was four years in the making; ending the season on a 16-game win streak, was the Sixers’ recipe for breezing past Miami.