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Jason Taylor Foundation hosts their 12th Annual Ping-Pong Tournament for charity at Hard Rock Live

A lot of things can go through your mind when you think of charity work. Maybe you think about going out to sort out food for food drives, or cleaning up a park so that the neighborhood kids have a safe and clean place to play. But what about playing in a ping-pong tournament?

On Sunday night, Hard Rock Live hosted the 12th annual Jason Taylor Ping-Pong Smash where sports icons and other celebrities came together to compete in a tournament and raise money for the Jason Taylor Foundation and Team Pouncey Foundation.

Nearly 100 kids from various schools arrived at the Hard Rock Live to participate in the 8th annual Kids Clinic prior to the main event, which consisted of a wide variety of activities, including a spread laid out by Best Buy which allowed the kids to play games like Madden or NBA2K.