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During 'O.J.', Roy Firestone trends on Twitter and it wasn't good (Shutdown Corner)

There were many jaw-dropping and cringe-inducing moments during Tuesday night's "O.J.: Made in America" Part 2, and the most unlikely came courtesy of a long-ago interview.

Footage was shown of an interview O.J. Simpson did on the ESPN show "Sports Look" (later known as "Up Close") with Roy Firestone. In the undated interview, Firestone comes off as a fawning fan instead of a tough questioner, broaching an incident on New Year's Even 1988 in which Simpson and wife Nicole argued and Simpson beat her so badly she needed to go to the hospital.

Simpson actually got in trouble for this event; according to Nicole, it was the ninth time Los Angeles police were called to the couple's Brentwood home to respond to a domestic incident.