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Did you buy St. Louis Rams gear before the team moved to L.A.? Judge approves class action suit

Related Topics: Gear, Lawsuit, Judge, Class action, St. Louis

The Los Angeles Rams just lost another skirmish in the team’s multiple legal battles.

This time, a St. Louis judge approved a class-action lawsuit aiming to get money back to fans who bought tickets and merchandise since 2010, and got stuck with jerseys, T-shirts and other paraphernalia for a team that left St. Louis.

St. Louis residents James Pudlowski, Louis C. Cross, III, Gail Henry and Steve Henry filed suit in 2016, alleging the Rams purposefully misled fans who may not have otherwise purchased tickets or merchandise, or paid so much for them.

On Wednesday, Judge Timothy Boyer ruled that the suit could proceed as a class action, a move the Rams had fought for more than two years.