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Yasmani Grandal Rakes

Say what you will about Yasmani Grandal‘s flaws, “he’s not a catcher”, “framing has severely overrated him”, “there’s no way this type of production continues”, whatever qualms you might have/ have had with him (some legitimate, some not), he’s blowing away everybody’s expectations.

Remember when he was a PED guy who couldn’t figure it out at the major league level? When his OPS was lagging behind the “beloved” guy traded for him? Yeah, me either. Pedro Moura posted this yesterday after he hit his 15th dinger of the year:

The thing about Yasmani Grandal is he’s been the Dodgers’ best hitter and the Padres gave him up for a guy who’s played at replacement level

— Pedro Moura (@pedromoura) August 1, 2015

Maybe some have tuned out because there are way more interesting narratives to follow than a former steroid enhanced catcher becoming the team’s most irreplaceable asset, but really, at .