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Katella High’s ‘Willy Wonka’ filled with child-like wonder

The classic tale of “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” is told by Katella High School with whimsical delight as it teaches the importance of optimism, integrity, and humility.

Willy Wonka, the owner of a world-famous chocolate factory, searches for an heir to his magnificent candy empire. While on a fantastic tour, five wide-eyed children, along with their comical parents, are led through the factory, secretly being tested on their character and honor.

The story opens on Willy Wonka, played by Justin Pedroza, who twirls and gesticulates widely throughout the wonder-filled “Pure Imagination.” As he charms his listeners, an adorable and energetic procession of Oompa Loompas joyfully fills the stage.