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Guggenheim Secures Ad Space on Dodgers Helmets

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I'm fully supportive of Guggenheim Baseball Management, as their stewardship of the Dodgers from the depths of Frank McCourt miasma to the powerhouse MLB team of today is absolutely remarkable, not to mention wonderful for Dodgers fans.

But I'm a little surprised that they're focused on branding for a non-consumer-facing entity. Maybe we'll see Guggenheim water at the Stadium soon?

In the dead of winter, there's not much baseball to talk about. So we turn our gaze upon ourselves. Longtime readers of SoSG—hi Mom!—may recognize the individual styles of my esteemed colleagues, but for those who don't, here's a SoSG primer:

STEVE SAX: Saxy is prolific and thoughtful, and a bit more fond of puns and puzzles than most.