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MLB drops the ball by not having any LA Angels players in All-Star Game.

With the LA Angels only all-star in 2017 being Mike Trout and Trout not being able to play many Angel fans may not have been motivated to watch. I know for myself I have looked forward to last five Mid-Summer Classics knowing the number 27 would be taking part in the game.

Trout did not disappoint winning back-to-back All-Star Game MVP’s which had never been done before. In five appearances Trout is six for 13 with a .462 batting average with one homer and three runs batted in. In 2014 when Trout won his first all-star MVP, he went two for three with a double, triple, and two RBI’s and then in 2015 he did even better going one for three with a home run and an RBI with two runs scored and he again garnered MVP honors.