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How 'high level' cannabis dealer Thomas Cashman who lived life of luxury from £5,000-a-week trade tried to murder convicted burglar near primary school and playground two weeks before nine-year-old's killing in botched 'hit'

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The botched ‘hit’ which spilt over so horrifically into what should have been the sanctuary of little Olivia’s home was not the first attempt on Joseph Nee’s life last summer.

Exactly two weeks earlier, it can now be revealed, Tommy Cashman is suspected of using the same Glock pistol in a bid to kill the convicted burglar.

The earlier murder bid – which, grotesquely, saw Nee targeted close to a primary school and children’s playground in the next street to Olivia’s house – mercifully caused no injuries.

Police at the time promised to ‘leave no stone unturned’ in the hunt for the gunman.