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Alex Fitzpatrick in wonderland as he outshines his brother Matt at The Open and goes four under par with the round of his LIFE

Related Topics: Alex Fitzpatrick, Cam Smith

There was no contest when it came to debating who the family of Matt and Alex Fitzpatrick should follow yesterday at The Open.

Their mother and father, Russell and Susan, were told by their more famous son, Matt, to walk Royal Liverpool with his sibling and it proved the soundest of calls.

Alex, the 24 year-old world No 561, was to play the round of his life to put himself in exalted company, hitting seven birdies in a 65 that left him at four under par.

By doing so he outshone former US Open champion Matt, although he hardly disgraced himself with a 67 playing alongside last year’s Open winner Cam Smith, leaving him at two under.