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SLATE: The gang(s) that couldn’t shoot straight

Yesterday was a day that will live in infamy for Kansas State basketball.

60: the total points scored by both the men and women, minus Ayoka Lee’s 27

23-96 (24%): the combined shooting stats from the field, minus Lee who was 12-19 (and if you also subtract the best effort from the men’s team, DaJuan Gordon’s somewhat respectable 6-13, it’s 17=83, 20.5%)

4-38 (11%): the combined shooting stats from beyond the arc, not minus Lee who didn’t attempt one (and two of the men’s threes came from freakin’ Carlton Linguard and Joe Petrakis, so make of that what you will)

10-19 (53%): the combined shooting stats from the foul line by both teams, minus Lee who was 3-4 (only two players on the men’s team even stepped up to the stripe)

2-24 (.