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Hong Kong, here we come: Warriors water polo broadens horizons

Related Topics: Dan Lyons, Water polo, Hong Kong

There may well be other high school coaches who pull double duty in football and water polo, but Kamehameha’s Dan Lyons hasn’t met one yet.

Wearing two hats usually isn’t an issue, but that will change when Lyons, he says, will be unnoticeably absent from the sidelines during the Warriors’ preseason football finale.

“My assistants probably won’t even know that I’m gone,” he jokes.

Instead of Keaau, Lyons will be in Hong Kong coaching a team that represents Kamehameha’s past and present at the Asian Pacific Water Polo Tournament. The competition figures to be stout, but the team leaves Hilo on Sunday, and when it lands in China, Lyons will have already counted multiple big victories in the win column for Kamehameha.