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Green Bay Third-Round Curse Watch: Week 1

There has been some witchy, dark energy surrounding the Green Bay Packers’ third-round draft picks for close to the last decade. The last productive pick of this round to leave Green Bay without burning the bridge was Richard Rodgers, one of their 2014 selections. Rodgers aside, the team’s third-round picks include Khyri Thornton (who? Exactly), Ty Montgomery (productive until that fateful Rams game which resulted in him being traded for a seventh-rounder), Kyler Fackrell, Montravius Adams, Oren Burks, Amari Rodgers, and Terry McLaurin.

Okay, the last one is a joke, it was Jace Sternberger. Of the Packers’ third-round picks from the last decade, three are still on the roster, and these three are all still on their rookie contracts: tight ends Josiah Deguara and Tucker Kraft, and offensive lineman Sean Rhyan.