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Is there a place in the NBA for Przemek Karnowski?

Prezemek Karnowski was born 25 years too late. In 1989, Atlanta Hawks 7’ 260 lb. back-up center Jon Koncak signed one of the NBA’s richest contracts ($2.2 mil per year) making nearly as much money as Michael Jordan ($2.5 mil per year). Eight years later, 7’ 280 lb. Bryant “Big Country” Reeves signed a 6-year, $61.8 million contract extension after playing two seasons for the Vancouver Grizzlies. Neither Koncak nor Reeves could be called superior athletes, they were big and skilled in a time the NBA rewarded those attributes. NBA centers needed to battle Shaq, Patrick Ewing and Karl Malone, not be overgrown guards who fill the lanes on breaks and shot threes.