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Steph Curry practiced his golf swing in a hotel. It did not go well.

Stephen Curry is an avid golfer. He regularly hits the links, and has been known to play with a few professional golfers, as well as president Barack Obama. He even recently dabbled in pro golf!

But just because he’s a good golfer doesn’t mean he’s always a smart one. He found that out the hard way today, when he tried to practice his golf swing inside his hotel room. It went about as well as you could expect.

when you feel like you’re on the @pgatour so you gotta get some swings going in the hotel room #idiot

A post shared by Wardell Curry (@stephencurry30) on Mar 1, 2018 at 1:33pm PST

Curry turned to Instagram to post a picture of shattered glass, with the comment “when you feel like you’re on the @pgatour so you gotta get some swings going in the hotel room #idiot”, along with three laughing emojis.