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Tottenham target Luis Diaz grew up dirt poor in one of Colombia's most deprived regions, idolised Ronaldinho and was discovered by legend Valderrama... now the tricky Porto winger is valued at a whopping £67m

Luis Diaz is subject to a transfer bid of some £37million from Tottenham. The release clause in his Porto contract stands at £67million.

It is difficult to overstate just how mindboggling these sums of money would have been to the stick thin boy who grew up dirt poor in one of Colombia's most deprived regions.

As a youngster, Diaz would sit and watch the enormous trains loaded with coal thunder past his home village of Barrancas, carrying their cargo from the pits of Cerrejon bound for the coast and then to Europe.

Luis Diaz, the Porto and Colombia winger, is wanted by a host of Premier League clubs with Tottenham reportedly tabling an offer of u00a337million
The 25-year-old has been on an extraordinary journey from poverty in Colombia to the big time

This football-mad kid was no doubt vaguely aware of clubs with exotic names such as Tottenham, Liverpool, Manchester United, Everton and Newcastle.