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Hustle, Determination Lead Katy Winge to Groundbreaking Altitude Post

A first-year adjunct college professor’s introduction to Katy Winge came via email.

It was a request to get out of class.

The first class. Of five sessions. In grad school. At Northwestern.

Chris Herring wasn’t exactly sure what he’d do.

“She wrote me right away, before the class even started and said, ‘Hi professor, if it’s okay, with your blessing, I really need to miss the first class,’” a chuckling Herring said. “And I’m thinking, ‘What?’”

He thought about what he’d do.

“And so, right off the bat – and obviously I’ve never taught before – so I’m already trying to figure out how much of a harda-- I have to be with regards to students missing class in a five-class quarter,” he said, laughing.